Nora Lynn
1985, Herreshoff Buzzards Bay 14 Sloop, 17’

Nora Lynn
The Buzzards Bay 14, Nora Lynn is designed essentially along the same lines as the venerable Herreshoff 12 ½ but enlarged and updated by L. Francis Herreshoff, the son of the 12 ½’s designer.
She is a fair bit larger than the 12 ½, with more storage space and increased speed and power. Like the older design, she is an ideal daysailer for deep water coasts, being roomy, comfortable, seaworthy, and good looking. She is specifically designed to contend with choppy water, and thus will be relatively dry and handy under a wide range of conditions on any coast.
Being a “sit down inside” boat, she is very reassuring for timid sailors, and young yachtsmen or for couples with small children. Like the 12 ½ she does not require a strong or athletic crew and can be easily single-handed.
Asking Price: $33,000
Location: Brooklin, Maine
Significant Recent Work (Winter 2023-24)
New bronze gooseneck pins and modify bronze mast gooseneck fitting
New frames, fabricate (laminate) and install seven (7) White Oak frames
New Black Locust rudder
Reef, re-caulk pay and prime seams below waterline
Touch up and varnish (2 coats) rub rails, toe rails, tiller, cockpit coamings and cockpit trim
Touch up and varnish (2 coats) mast and boom
Hull, Deck and Cockpit Construction
Full keel with keel / transom hung rudder underwater configuration
Cedar planking over Oak frames
Oak stem, keelson, horn timber, dead wood and transom
Laminated Fir deck beams with Cedar planking over laid with fiberglass cloth set in Epoxy with painted non-sked deck surface
Varnished Mahogany rub rail, toe rails, cockpit coamings, cockpit seats and cockpit trim
Painted Cedar cockpit sole
Seven new laminated frames (2023-24)
Deck Hardware and Features
Bronze stem fitting
Bronze mooring / dock line chocks
Bronze bow cleat
Bronze chain plates
Bronze jib lead pad eyes and fair leads
Bronze jib sheet cam cleats
Bronze side-mount outboard
Spars and Rigging
Single spreader fractional sloop rig configuration
Keel stepped mast
Hollow-box construction varnished Sitka Spruce mast
Solid-box construction varnished Sitka Spruce boom
Varnished Sitka Spruce spreaders
Stainless steel wire standing rigging (shrouds and stays) with stainless steel turnbuckles
Modern yacht braid halyards, topping lift and sheets
Harken blocks for main sheet system and jib sheet leads
Bronze main sheet swivel cam cleat
Schaeffer turning blocks for halyards, outhaul and topping lift
Bronze halyard cleats
Sails and Canvas
Gambell & Hunter mainsail
Gambell & Hunter Jib (1)
Gambell & Hunter Jib (2)
Main sail cover
Cockpit cover / boom tent
Electrical Equipment
12-Volt deep cycle battery
Solar panel for battery charging
Dewatering Equipment
Rule 800 GPH electric / automatic bilge pump
Additional Equipment
Side-mount outboard bracket
2019, Triad Trailer with spare wheel / tire, bow stand, ladder and tie-down straps
Mast and boom travel / storage racks