As boat builders, we are grounded in a collective passion for boating, craftsmanship, and our community.
Brian Larkin
“I’m excited about the opportunity to continue working on Brooklin Boat Yard’s workplace culture and product diversity as well as improving its facilities.”
Brian Larkin, who has been at Brooklin Boat Yard since 1987 and was formerly a project manager, is the new President of the boat yard. He took on this new role after longtime President and owner, Steve White, stepped down in January of 2023.
Brian has built over forty boats in his time at Brooklin Boat Yard making him an experienced manager. He is a longtime resident of Brooklin, Maine.
Eric Blake
Vice President, Head of New Construction
Will Sturdy
Chief Designer
Nick Bellico
Service & Yard Manager
Nick Carter
Chief Operations Officer
Chris Page
Chief Financial Officer
“If a man must be obsessed by something, I suppose a boat is as good as anything, perhaps a bit better than most. A small sailing craft is not only beautiful, it is seductive and full of strange promise and the hint of trouble.”
— E.B. White